GoodTech - Teknik som gör gott i samhället

Resilient IT

Our model for building resilient IT focuses largely on building application management and operations that meet your needs. It is based on three central pillars:

  1. Cybersecurity – att det finns skydd mot intrång och spionage både i systemen och i applikationerna.
  2. Smart cloud migration – att man är platsoberoende och kan jobba på ett säkert sätt via molnet.
  3. Streamlining– genom ökad virtualisering och genom att skriva om applikationer går det oftast att använda den befintliga datorkraften på ett mycket effektivare sätt. Många använder så lite som 3 % av sin CPU-kraft, resten är rent slöseri.

Here is an example of how it works: 

When the coronavirus pandemic hit in March 2020, the trade union Kommunal had to adapt its working method to support its members, which number around 700, as well as 23,000 elected representatives around the country. It was able to quickly adapt its IT environment to remote working, which meant that all of its salaried employees could continue their work from home the very next day. The solution that made this possible was a combination of a successful roll-out of M365, an IT infrastructure that gives Kommunal’s employees secure access to its systems no matter where they are geographically located, and effective collaboration with the trade union’s operating partner Softronic.

Read more:

Book a review of your applications, 4-hour workshop

(VALUE SEK 20,000.)
IT environments are becoming more complex and legacy systems are mixing with cloud services, which often results in gaps, security flaws and sub-optimisation. This is true for both application management and operations.

We perform a review of your applications to assess where you are at the moment and propose a roadmap moving forward, which can include both management and development processes, hybrid solutions and public clouds, such as Azure and AWS. We will also compile an initial report after the meeting, which you can use immediately in your operations or as the basis for future strategy work.

If you would like to know more, fill in the form and we will contact you:


If you want more information about how we can help you, contact Mattias Lindström, or call him on +46(0)70-881 30 36

Book a review of your applications

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